Zoom poco sicuro: gli hacker possono prendere il controllo del tuo computer |
11-04-2021 17:05:00 -
https://www.intopic.it/rdrxml.php?n=24118975&ai= Zoom poco sicuro: gli hacker possono prendere il controllo del tuo computer Tecnoandroid La pandemia ha permesso s Zoom di ritagliarsi una fetta di... |
Microsoft in 'advanced' talks to buy Nuance Communications: Report |
11-04-2021 16:57:00 -
https://www.zdnet.com/article/microsoft-in-advanced-talks-to-buy-nuance-communications-report/#ftag=RSSbaffb68 Microsoft may be looking to acquire one of its health and AI partners, Nuance Communications, according to a report, and could be willing to pay... |
Mozilla flooded with requests after Apple privacy changes hit Facebook |
11-04-2021 15:34:00 -
https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/mozilla-flooded-with-requests-after-apple-privacy-changes-hit-facebook/ Mozilla volunteers have recently been flooded with requests by online merchants and marketers for their domains to be added to what's called a Public Suffix... |
Microsoft: Windows 10 1909 reaches end of service next month |
11-04-2021 14:00:00 -
https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/microsoft/microsoft-windows-10-1909-reaches-end-of-service-next-month/ Microsoft has reminded users that Windows 10, version 1909 (also known as the November 2019 Update), will reach the end of service next month, in... |
An ex-Verizon employee explains why it's not worth helping customers |
11-04-2021 12:00:00 -
https://www.zdnet.com/article/an-ex-verizon-employee-explains-why-its-not-worth-helping-customers/#ftag=RSSbaffb68 As the pandemic has rolled along, many things in phone retail have changed. What's happening in stores, according to a recently departed Verizon employee, seems... |
Netflix e WhatsApp: dispositivi Android colpiti da un malware |
11-04-2021 10:08:00 -
https://www.intopic.it/rdrxml.php?n=24114536&ai= Netflix e WhatsApp: dispositivi Android colpiti da un malware Tecnoandroid Rimosso un malware riguardante Netflix e WhatsApp presente per almeno due mesi sul Play Store... |
Insidiosi messaggi WhatsApp con finta app per Huawei, Samsung e Xiaomi anche in Italia |
11-04-2021 09:34:00 -
https://www.intopic.it/rdrxml.php?n=24114110&ai= Occhio ad alcuni messaggi WhatsApp diventati virali su Huawei, Samsung e Xiaomi. Un nuovo malware Android si stava diffondendo con grande celerità su WhatsApp che,... |
Android: un nuovo malware camuffato da app Netflix si sta diffondendo su Whatsapp! |
11-04-2021 09:23:00 -
https://www.intopic.it/rdrxml.php?n=24113972&ai= Su Android in queste ore sui dispositivi Android sta circolando un nuovo malware in grado di rubare i vostri dati personali e diffondersi a macchia... |
Week in review: SAP apps under attack, Zero Trust creator talks, Patch Tuesday forecast |
11-04-2021 08:10:00 -
https://www.helpnetsecurity.com/2021/04/11/week-in-review-sap-apps-under-attack-zero-trust-creator-talks-patch-tuesday-forecast/ Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news, articles and reviews: SAP applications are getting compromised by skilled attackers Newly provisioned, unprotected... |
Trapelati dati personali di 1,3 milioni di utenti dell'app Clubhouse |
11-04-2021 07:51:00 -
https://www.intopic.it/rdrxml.php?n=24113101&ai= I dati personali di 1,3 milioni di utenti Clubhouse sono stati trapelati gratuitamente su un popolare forum di hacker, ha riferito il portale Cybernews. ... |
Brazilian government launches toolkit to support data protection compliance |
10-04-2021 21:22:00 -
https://www.zdnet.com/article/brazilian-government-launches-toolkit-to-support-data-protection-compliance/#ftag=RSSbaffb68 The platform enables the assessment of potential security and privacy gaps and aims to educate professionals working with data processing.... |
APKPure, l'alternativa al Play Store Android contiene malware |
10-04-2021 20:31:00 -
https://www.intopic.it/rdrxml.php?n=24111077&ai= Secondo un'indagine eseguita da Kaspersky Lab, l'applicazione APKPure usata come alternativa per il download di app che non sono più disponibili sul Play Store di... |
Joker malware infects over 500,000 Huawei Android devices |
10-04-2021 19:20:00 -
https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/joker-malware-infects-over-500-000-huawei-android-devices/ More than 500,000 Huawei users have downloaded from the company's official Android store applications infected with Joker malware that subscribes to premium mobile services. [...]... |
Hands-on with Windows 10's new Google Discover-like news feature |
10-04-2021 16:14:00 -
https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/microsoft/hands-on-with-windows-10s-new-google-discover-like-news-feature/ Later this year, Windows 10 is getting a new feature that will enable a Google Discover-like newsfeed on the taskbar. This feature is officially called... |
Training upward: your executives may not fully understand digital transformation |
10-04-2021 16:14:00 -
https://www.zdnet.com/article/training-upward-your-executives-may-not-understand-digital-transformation/#ftag=RSSbaffb68 Even your CIO and CTO may need skills refreshes. New studies show it may be just as critical to provide technology and digital skills training... |