RAM MackBook Pro: come aggiornarla e quando è più opportuno farlo |
10-05-2021 17:23:00 -
https://www.intopic.it/rdrxml.php?n=24503563&ai= Nonostante siano dei portatili dall'hardware soltanto discreto, i MacBook danno grandi soddisfazioni. OS X è veloce, intuitivo, facile da usare, relativamente al sicuro da virus. Ma quando cominciate ad... |
Oltre il 70% sui migliori antivirus e software grafici su Amazon |
10-05-2021 17:04:00 -
https://www.intopic.it/rdrxml.php?n=24503254&ai= Per quanto concerne il mondo delle offerte, non si può certo dire che questa seconda settimana di maggio non sia iniziata bene, anzi, la quantità... |
Colonial Pipeline aims to restore operations by end of the week after cyberattack |
10-05-2021 17:03:00 -
https://www.zdnet.com/article/colonial-pipeline-aims-to-restore-operations-by-end-of-the-week-after-cyberattack/#ftag=RSSbaffb68 Meanwhile, the hacker group DarkSide said a statement that its goal is "to make money, and not creating problems for society".... |
Avviare Scansioni con Microsoft Defender da riga di comando (Powershell) |
10-05-2021 16:36:00 -
https://www.intopic.it/rdrxml.php?n=24502758&ai= In Windows 10, l'antivirus Microsoft Defender Antivirus (o Windows Defender) è parte integrante delle impostazioni di sicurezza di Windows e fornisce una solida protezione in... |
What is ransomware? Everything you need to know about one of the biggest menaces on the web |
10-05-2021 16:33:00 -
https://www.zdnet.com/article/ransomware-an-executive-guide-to-one-of-the-biggest-menaces-on-the-web/#ftag=RSSbaffb68 Updated: Everything you need to know about ransomware: how it started, why it's booming, how to protect against it.... |
US and Australia warn of escalating Avaddon ransomware attacks |
10-05-2021 16:19:00 -
https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/us-and-australia-warn-of-escalating-avaddon-ransomware-attacks/ The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) are warning of an ongoing Avaddon ransomware campaign targeting organizations from an extensive... |
The impact of the global chip shortage continues to ripple across the tech supply chain |
10-05-2021 16:14:00 -
https://www.zdnet.com/article/the-impact-of-the-global-chip-shortage-continues-to-ripple-across-the-tech-supply-chain/#ftag=RSSbaffb68 The semiconductor industry reported record figures this year, but is still crippled by capacity constraints. For consumers, it means longer wait times.... |
Best VoIP service 2021: Replicate a traditional office phone at home |
10-05-2021 15:44:00 -
https://www.zdnet.com/article/best-voip-service/#ftag=RSSbaffb68 Are you transitioning your on-premises workforce to a work-at-home powerhouse? Do you need to put a business phone on every desk, even if those desks... |
DarkSide ransomware will start vetting targets after pipeline cyberattack |
10-05-2021 15:40:00 -
https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/darkside-ransomware-will-start-vetting-targets-after-pipeline-cyberattack/ The DarkSide ransomware gang posted a new "press release" today stating that they are apolitical and will vet all targets before they are attacked. [...]... |
DarkSide ransomware will now vet targets after pipeline cyberattack |
10-05-2021 15:40:00 -
https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/darkside-ransomware-will-now-vet-targets-after-pipeline-cyberattack/ The DarkSide ransomware gang posted a new "press release" today stating that they are apolitical and will vet all targets before they are attacked. [...]... |
Best website monitoring tool in 2021: Keep your site running |
10-05-2021 15:25:00 -
https://www.zdnet.com/article/best-website-monitoring-tool/#ftag=RSSbaffb68 No one wants a panicked call or text alerting them that their site is down. Or worse, their site has been hacked. The best way... |
Attacco hacker oleodotti di Colonial Pipeline a firma DarkSide |
10-05-2021 15:24:00 -
https://www.intopic.it/rdrxml.php?n=24501459&ai= Attacco hacker all'oleodotto di Colonial Pipeline, dichiarato lo stato di emergenza. Canali: Attacco Hacker, Hacker, Sicurezza Informatica, Oleodotti ... |
Brazilian authorities call for postponement of WhatsApp privacy changes |
10-05-2021 15:08:00 -
https://www.zdnet.com/article/brazilian-authorities-call-for-postponement-of-whatsapp-privacy-changes/#ftag=RSSbaffb68 Agencies want the messaging service to address points relating to consumer and data protection rights as well as competition.... |
Qualcomm, se possedete un device con questo SoC potreste essere a rischio hacker |
10-05-2021 15:07:00 -
https://www.intopic.it/rdrxml.php?n=24501215&ai= Qualcomm, se possedete un device con questo SoC potreste essere a rischio hacker Tecnoandroid Tutti i device con un System-on-Chip realizzato da Qualcomm sono... |
ServiceNow acquires Lightstep, aims to leverage observability across enterprises |
10-05-2021 14:51:00 -
https://www.zdnet.com/article/servicenow-acquires-lightstep-aims-to-leverage-observability-across-enterprises/#ftag=RSSbaffb68 With the purchase, ServiceNow is taking to the plunge into software development workflows.... |