If we analyze everything, when can we ever just be? |
16-07-2021 13:25:00 -
https://www.zdnet.com/article/if-we-analyze-everything-when-can-we-ever-just-be/#ftag=RSSbaffb68 A piece of research reveals how much of corporate data gets analyzed. It's a lot and it's growing. But is it always a good thing?... |
Artwork Archive cloud storage misconfiguration exposed user data |
16-07-2021 13:00:00 -
https://www.zdnet.com/article/artwork-archive-cloud-storage-misconfiguration-exposed-user-data-revenue-records/#ftag=RSSbaffb68 An unsecured bucket exposed PII and sales information from Artwork Archive... |
Microsoft Defender for Identity now detects PrintNightmare attacks |
16-07-2021 12:56:00 -
https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/microsoft-defender-for-identity-now-detects-printnightmare-attacks/ Microsoft has added support for PrintNightmare exploitation detection to Microsoft Defender for Identity to help Security Operations teams detect attackers' attempts to abuse this critical vulnerability. [...]... |
Say hi to Microsoft's own Linux: CBL-Mariner |
16-07-2021 12:27:00 -
https://www.zdnet.com/article/say-hi-to-microsofts-own-linux-cbl-mariner/#ftag=RSSbaffb68 Microsoft has its own Linux distribution and, yes, you can download, install and run it. In fact, you may want to do just that.... |
Learn how to master Python programming for only $60 |
16-07-2021 12:00:00 -
https://www.zdnet.com/article/learn-how-to-master-python-programming-for-only-60/#ftag=RSSbaffb68 Learn all of the skills you need to switch to a well-paying career in tech that's always in demand.... |
EA: gli hacker hanno cominciato a pubblicare i dati rubati dopo la fallita estorsione - NotiziaVideogiochi per PC e console | Multiplayer.it |
16-07-2021 11:38:00 -
https://www.helpmetech.it/ea-gli-hacker-hanno-cominciato-a-pubblicare-i-dati-rubati-dopo-la-fallita-estorsione-notiziavideogiochi-per-pc-e-console-multiplayer-it/ Dopo aver provato senza successo ad estorcere denaro a EA, gli hacker che si sono intrufolati nei suoi sistemi hanno cominciato a pubblicare i dati... |
The Definitive RFP Templates for EDR/EPP and APT Protection |
16-07-2021 11:38:00 -
http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheHackersNews/~3/KY7v6Zs6YKQ/rfp-templates-for-edr-epp.html Advanced Persistent Threats groups were once considered a problem that concerns Fortune 100 companies only. However, the threat landscape of the recent years tells otherwise—in... |
Israeli Firm Helped Governments Target Journalists, Activists with 0-Days and Spyware |
16-07-2021 11:13:00 -
http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheHackersNews/~3/kxKUMcFXWq8/israeli-firm-helped-governments-target.html Two of the zero-day Windows flaws patched by Microsoft as part of its Patch Tuesday update earlier this week were weaponized by an Israel-based company... |
Microsoft blocca il malware DevilsTongue |
16-07-2021 11:04:00 -
https://www.intopic.it/rdrxml.php?n=25338044&ai= Microsoft ha identificato lo spyware DevilsTongue che sfruttava due vulnerabilità zero-day di Windows, corrette con le patch del 13 luglio scorso. Canali: Microsoft Corporation,... |
Toddler mobile banking malware surges across Europe |
16-07-2021 11:01:00 -
https://www.zdnet.com/article/toddler-mobile-banking-malware-surges-across-europe/#ftag=RSSbaffb68 The Android malware is a new and persistent threat to European citizens and banks alike.... |
Human strength-multiplying robot gets wearable controller |
16-07-2021 11:00:00 -
https://www.zdnet.com/article/human-strength-multiplying-robot-gets-wearable-controller/#ftag=RSSbaffb68 It's motion control meets Mecha (but for real).... |
Cloudflare fixes CDN code execution bug affecting 12.7% of all sites |
16-07-2021 10:29:00 -
https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/cloudflare-fixes-cdn-code-execution-bug-affecting-127-percent-of-all-sites/ Cloudflare has fixed a critical vulnerability in its free and open-source CDNJS potentially impacting 12.7% of all websites on the internet. CDNJS serves millions of websites... |
Critical Cloudflare CDN flaw allowed compromise of 12% of all sites |
16-07-2021 10:29:00 -
https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/critical-cloudflare-cdn-flaw-allowed-compromise-of-12-percent-of-all-sites/ Cloudflare has fixed a critical vulnerability in its free and open-source CDNJS potentially impacting 12.7% of all websites on the internet. CDNJS serves millions of websites... |
Chinese APT LuminousMoth abuses Zoom brand to target gov't agencies |
16-07-2021 10:09:00 -
https://www.zdnet.com/article/chinese-apt-luminousmoth-abuses-zoom-brand-to-target-govt-agencies/#ftag=RSSbaffb68 Fake Zoom apps are being spread to conduct cyber surveillance.... |
Clippy is coming back to Windows and Microsoft Teams, but only as emoji |
16-07-2021 10:00:00 -
https://www.zdnet.com/article/clippy-is-coming-back-to-windows-and-microsoft-teams-but-only-as-emoji/#ftag=RSSbaffb68 It's OK - this time Clippy is returning as an emoji, not as a digital assistant.... |