How to Mitigate Microsoft Windows 10, 11 SeriousSAM Vulnerability |
26-07-2021 11:21:00 - Microsoft Windows 10 and Windows 11 users are at risk of a new unpatched vulnerability that was recently disclosed publicly. As we reported last week, the... |
Windows 11, falsi programmi di installazione distribuiscono malware |
26-07-2021 11:20:00 - Microsoft ha rilasciato la prima build di Windows 11 Insider Preview il 28 giugno, aggiornandola poi spesso nell'ultimo mese. Il processo per aggiornare il PC... |
L'iniziativa "No More Ransom" celebra il quinto anno di successi nella lotta ai ransomware |
26-07-2021 11:18:00 - (Milano 26 luglio 2021 ) - Milano, 26 luglio 2021 No More Ransom, l'iniziativa avviata nel 2016 dalle forze dell'ordine e dalle società di sicurezza... |
Reminder: Your Microsoft 365 apps soon won't work with Internet Explorer 11 |
26-07-2021 10:54:00 - Microsoft warns customers to prepare for their apps to stop working properly in IE 11.... |
WhatsApp chief says government officials, US allies targeted by Pegasus spyware |
26-07-2021 10:36:00 - The officials were allegedly targeted in attacks dating back to 2019.... |
Windows 11, attenti agli installer fake: installano adware, trojan, e altri malware sui PC |
26-07-2021 10:15:00 - Kaspersky informa gli utenti che stanno circolando degli installer fake di Windows 11, capaci di inoculare sui computer ogni tipo di malware Canali: Windows,... |
Microsoft Warns of LemonDuck Malware Targeting Windows and Linux Systems |
26-07-2021 10:13:00 - An infamous cross-platform crypto-mining malware has continued to refine and improve upon its techniques to strike both Windows and Linux operating systems by setting its... |
Microsoft Warns of LemonDuck Malware Targeting Windows and Linux Systems |
26-07-2021 10:13:00 - An infamous cross-platform crypto-mining malware has continued to refine and improve upon its techniques to strike both Windows and Linux operating systems by setting its... |
Top programming language for data science: Python still rules, followed by SQL |
26-07-2021 09:58:00 - But while data scientists might be creating clever data visualizations, many decision makers still don't understand stories told through data.... |
Il CEO di WhatsApp critica Apple per la gestione dei malware NSO |
26-07-2021 09:22:00 - Anche il CEO di WhatsApp chiede ad Apple di intervenire in modo più drastico per proteggere gli utenti dai malware NSO. Link all'articolo originale:... |
Windows 11, dei malware si spacciano per il nuovo sistema operativo |
26-07-2021 08:33:00 - Secondo Kaspersky, starebbe venendo distribuito un malware tramite la falsa installazione di Windows 11: la minaccia si maschererebbe da sistema operativo di nuova generazione di... |
New PetitPotam NTLM Relay Attack Lets Hackers Take Over Windows Domains |
26-07-2021 08:04:00 - A newly uncovered security flaw in the Windows operating system can be exploited to coerce remote Windows servers, including Domain Controllers, to authenticate with a... |
Will your phone run Android 12? |
26-07-2021 07:24:00 - It's complicated. It's so very complicated.... |
New PetitPotam NTLM Relay Attack Lets Hackers Take Over Windows Domains |
26-07-2021 07:16:00 - A newly uncovered security flaw in the Windows operating system can be exploited to coerce remote Windows servers, including Domain Controllers, to authenticate with a... |
Australia hears case for open access to Apple NFC tech as QR codes will not do |
26-07-2021 06:57:00 - Google says opening access to NFC technology will spur innovation while payments expert Lance Blockley argues QR code payments are not sufficient in an Australian... |