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242410 news

How to Mitigate Microsoft Windows 10, 11 SeriousSAM Vulnerability

26-07-2021 11:21:00 -

Microsoft Windows 10 and Windows 11 users are at risk of a new unpatched vulnerability that was recently disclosed publicly. As we reported last week, the...

Windows 11, falsi programmi di installazione distribuiscono malware

26-07-2021 11:20:00 -

Microsoft ha rilasciato la prima build di Windows 11 Insider Preview il 28 giugno, aggiornandola poi spesso nell'ultimo mese. Il processo per aggiornare il PC...

L'iniziativa "No More Ransom" celebra il quinto anno di successi nella lotta ai ransomware

26-07-2021 11:18:00 -

(Milano 26 luglio 2021 ) - Milano, 26 luglio 2021 No More Ransom, l'iniziativa avviata nel 2016 dalle forze dell'ordine e dalle società di sicurezza...

Reminder: Your Microsoft 365 apps soon won't work with Internet Explorer 11

26-07-2021 10:54:00 -

Microsoft warns customers to prepare for their apps to stop working properly in IE 11....

WhatsApp chief says government officials, US allies targeted by Pegasus spyware

26-07-2021 10:36:00 -

The officials were allegedly targeted in attacks dating back to 2019....

Windows 11, attenti agli installer fake: installano adware, trojan, e altri malware sui PC

26-07-2021 10:15:00 -

Kaspersky informa gli utenti che stanno circolando degli installer fake di Windows 11, capaci di inoculare sui computer ogni tipo di malware Canali: Windows,...

Microsoft Warns of LemonDuck Malware Targeting Windows and Linux Systems

26-07-2021 10:13:00 -

An infamous cross-platform crypto-mining malware has continued to refine and improve upon its techniques to strike both Windows and Linux operating systems by setting its...

Microsoft Warns of LemonDuck Malware Targeting Windows and Linux Systems

26-07-2021 10:13:00 -

An infamous cross-platform crypto-mining malware has continued to refine and improve upon its techniques to strike both Windows and Linux operating systems by setting its...

Top programming language for data science: Python still rules, followed by SQL

26-07-2021 09:58:00 -

But while data scientists might be creating clever data visualizations, many decision makers still don't understand stories told through data....

Il CEO di WhatsApp critica Apple per la gestione dei malware NSO

26-07-2021 09:22:00 -

Anche il CEO di WhatsApp chiede ad Apple di intervenire in modo più drastico per proteggere gli utenti dai malware NSO. Link all'articolo originale:...

Windows 11, dei malware si spacciano per il nuovo sistema operativo

26-07-2021 08:33:00 -

Secondo Kaspersky, starebbe venendo distribuito un malware tramite la falsa installazione di Windows 11: la minaccia si maschererebbe da sistema operativo di nuova generazione di...

New PetitPotam NTLM Relay Attack Lets Hackers Take Over Windows Domains

26-07-2021 08:04:00 -

A newly uncovered security flaw in the Windows operating system can be exploited to coerce remote Windows servers, including Domain Controllers, to authenticate with a...

Will your phone run Android 12?

26-07-2021 07:24:00 -

It's complicated. It's so very complicated....

New PetitPotam NTLM Relay Attack Lets Hackers Take Over Windows Domains

26-07-2021 07:16:00 -

A newly uncovered security flaw in the Windows operating system can be exploited to coerce remote Windows servers, including Domain Controllers, to authenticate with a...

Australia hears case for open access to Apple NFC tech as QR codes will not do

26-07-2021 06:57:00 -

Google says opening access to NFC technology will spur innovation while payments expert Lance Blockley argues QR code payments are not sufficient in an Australian...