Pare che un hacker sia riuscito a rubare i dati di 100 milioni di clienti T-Mobile |
16-08-2021 09:12:00 - Il presunto hacker ha messo in vendita su un forum underground un sottoinsieme dei dati rubati per 6 BTC, ovvero circa 285.000$ Canali: Hacker,... |
Ziggy ransomware recuperare gratis i file criptati senza pagare Guida e tools |
16-08-2021 08:13:00 - Articolo originale su Allmobileworld.itZiggy ransomware come decriptare i file senza pagare il riscatto degli hacker Scarica gratis il tools per sbloccare i file criptati dal... |
Facebook: violati migliaia di account a causa di queste app |
16-08-2021 07:40:00 - Facebook: violati migliaia di account a causa di queste app Tecnoandroid Gli utenti Android a quanto pare proprio non possono vivere un momento di... |
Ethereum most popular cryptocurrency amongst Singapore investors |
16-08-2021 07:38:00 - Some 67% of personal investors in the country currently hold cryptocurrencies, with 78% owning Ethereum while 69% have Bitcoin, and 67% say the COVID-19 pandemic... |
New AdLoad Variant Bypasses Apple's Security Defenses to Target macOS Systems |
16-08-2021 07:29:00 - A new wave of attacks involving a notorious macOS adware family has evolved to leverage around 150 unique samples in the wild in 2021 alone,... |
How to foster collaboration with the IT team for a successful zero trust implementation |
16-08-2021 06:00:00 - The conversation surrounding deploying a zero trust strategy continues to gain importance following the announcement of President Biden’s recent Executive Order, which requires federal agencies... |
Apple to tune CSAM system to keep one-in-a-trillion false positive deactivation threshold |
16-08-2021 05:46:00 - Cupertino lays out how its system seeks to maintain integrity against political pressure and misidentified images.... |
How do I select a CPaaS solution for my business? |
16-08-2021 05:30:00 - A Communications Platform-as-a-Service (CPaaS) solution is very practical and functional because it allows to communicate without using standalone apps, but since it’s connected to the... |
Even the US president wants zero trust: Here’s how to make it a reality |
16-08-2021 05:00:00 - President Biden’s executive order on improving the nation’s cybersecurity requires agency heads to develop a plan to implement a zero-trust architecture to effectively mitigate cyber... |
Demand for data is growing, but so are data supply chain challenges |
16-08-2021 04:30:00 - Data suppliers are unable to efficiently deliver relevant data to a growing number of data consumers, according to a 451 Research survey. 55% of those... |
Reliance on third party workers making companies more vulnerable to cyberattacks |
16-08-2021 04:00:00 - A survey from SecZetta revealed 83% of respondents agree that because organizations increasingly rely on contractors, freelancers, and other third party workers, their data systems... |
Most employees reusing personal passwords to protect corporate data |
16-08-2021 03:30:00 - Nearly two thirds of employees are using personal passwords to protect corporate data, and vice versa, with even more business leaders concerned about this very... |
SMEs awareness of GDPR is high, but few adhere to its legal requirements |
16-08-2021 03:00:00 - 85 percent of the small- to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the UK are familiar with GDPR, but more than half are still not cleaning their... |
(ISC)² guide to continuing professional education |
16-08-2021 02:45:00 - You’ve worked hard to earn a globally recognized (ISC)² certification or maybe you’re thinking about obtaining an (ISC)² certification. As a leader in the cybersecurity... |
Wires above qubits see UNSW researchers take quantum control step |
16-08-2021 02:11:00 - University of New South Wales scientists say latest design could control millions of qubits.... |