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242410 news

Grace Hopper conference celebrates women in tech

31-08-2021 10:57:00 -

A major conference is coming up: celebrating the legacy of computer pioneer Admiral Grace Murray Hopper as an inspiration to tens of thousands of women...

Grace Hopper Celebration conference for women technologists returns with another virtual event

31-08-2021 10:57:00 -

With 21 keynotes and over 240 speakers at more than 100 sessions, the virtual conference will likely be the largest women in tech conference this...

Malware mascherati da Windows 11, attenzione

31-08-2021 10:33:00 -

Dopo l'annuncio da parte di Microsoft di Windows 11 i criminali informatici si sono subito messi all'opera per cercare di confondere e trarre in inganno gli...

This phishing attack is using a sneaky trick to steal your passwords, warns Microsoft

31-08-2021 10:15:00 -

Hovering over a link in an email isn't going to be enough to check if it's going to take you to a dangerous site....

Southeast Asian consumers intensify online habits, spending 60% more

31-08-2021 08:56:00 -

Region will be home to 350 million online shoppers by end-2021, up from 310 million last year, and will see online spending climb 60% per...

Smartphone: come ripulirlo in caso di infezione da malware

31-08-2021 08:47:00 -

Smartphone: come ripulirlo in caso di infezione da malware Tecnoandroid Gli smartphone al giorno d'oggi sono diventati dei veri e propri centri di smistamento...

IBM's fastest supercomputer will be used to find better ways to produce green electricity

31-08-2021 08:46:00 -

GE has revealed more information about two research projects that were awarded compute time on the Summit supercomputer....

Radware e Acantho insieme per la sicurezza delle app web in cloud

31-08-2021 07:42:00 -

Radware, fornitore di soluzioni per la sicurezza informatica e di application delivery, e Acantho, la digital company del Gruppo Hera con sede in Italia che...

Check Point acquires Avanan to deliver email and collaboration suite security for organizations

31-08-2021 07:14:00 -

Check Point Software Technologies announced the acquisition of Avanan. Avanan technology provides the highest level of security for emails and SaaS collaboration suites. Avanan will...

I pericoli dei giochi pirata : Adware, Trojan e altri malware ...

31-08-2021 05:48:00 -

I pericoli dei giochi pirata : Adware, Trojan e altri malware ...Adware, Trojan e altri malware non sono le uniche ragioni per non scaricare giochi...

CISA Adds Single-Factor Authentication to the List of Bad Practices

31-08-2021 05:33:00 -

The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) on Monday added single-factor authentication to the short list of "exceptionally risky" cybersecurity practices that could expose critical infrastructure...

The consumerization of the Cybercrime-as-a-Service market

31-08-2021 05:30:00 -

The Cybercrime-as-a-Service (CCaaS) market has matured over the past few years. What began as a few lone rogue hackers selling zero-days and user credentials in...

Webcentral sinks but 5GN rockets before companies merge

31-08-2021 05:15:00 -

Webcentral described the "improved" performance as a reflection of the all changes that took place during the 18 months to 30 June 2021....

Why companies should never hack back

31-08-2021 05:00:00 -

After major cyberattacks on the Colonial Pipeline and on meat supplier JBS, the idea of allowing companies to launch cyberattacks back at cyber criminals was...

Increase in credential phishing and brute force attacks causing financial and reputational damage

31-08-2021 04:30:00 -

Abnormal Security released a report which examines the escalating adverse impact of socially-engineered and never-seen-before email attacks, and other advanced email threats—both financial and reputational—to...